With the hyper-technological advancement of modern life, and the reliance on global industries to fulfill our daily needs, many have traded the hard work of growing our own food for the dash of a stranger and blind faith that the grocery stores will remain stocked.

In today’s day and age, children are often attached to technology when at home and receive a lacking education at school. As parents, we are responsible for ensuring our children receive a well-rounded education so they can contribute to society instead of leach when adults. We decided to use their love for animals and their mother's love for gardening to help teach them about money, responsibility, and the fragility of our food supplies. In the past few years we have seen panic buying and record freezes demonstrate a whole new level of price gouging and suffering.

Our two boys help with all the chores, from mucking out the chicken coops, to butchering, and even gardening. When you buy from Sainz Family Farms, it may be a small purchase, but it has a big impact on the two boys and their future. A future that I pray has changed for the better.